Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My not so fun yesterday

My uneventful pregnancy took a turn yesterday, but luckily it was a short-lived turn...

Monday night at 2am, our little baby decided it was time to kickbox and he sure was living it up in there. So Tuesday morning I get ready and go to work, noticing he wasn't bouncing around like he usually does while I drive. I get to work and as the day goes on I realize I still hadn't felt him that day. I drank some Coke in the morning and then a little bit of Mt. Dew at lunch, still no movements. Around 2pm I tried a pack of Skittles, and still nothing. So now I'm getting a little paranoid since my little man has never been this quiet. I chug down some water and try to sit still, and still nothing. Finally around 3pm I tell my friend Amy that I'm concerned because I haven't felt baby move since during the night. I sat there poking and prodding my belly hoping to make him do something in there, but still nothing. Finally around 3:20pm Amy convinces me to call the Dr's office. So I left a message for a nurse about my concern and got a returned call fairly quickly. The nurse asks everything I've done/tried to get him to move and if I've had any cramping or bleeding, which I hadn't, thank goodness. But then she asks how close I am to the office and I said about 10min and she said "good, can you come in ASAP?" Of course I said absolutely and hung up. Then reality hit at how genuinely concerned they were and wanting me to come in ASAP, so I freaked out and started crying. Amy ran over and decided to come with me to the Dr's office since Scott was 2hrs away.

We show up at the Dr's office about 10min later and they take us right back to a room - an ultrasound room. I wasn't prepared for that. Then it hits me - they're worried they won't find the heartbeat on the doppler, so they're preparing for the need to do an ultrasound. *GULP* So I lay down and after 3 tries with the doppler, there it is... the heartbeat!!! And I had to laugh when Amy responds "So that's what it's supposed to sound like". Despite all she's been through, she still keeps her humor and was able to come with me for this appt and help calm me down. So the nurse got the rate (146bpm) and I was sent home. And boy was I relieved!!!! I guess Baby just decided to take a day off and rest.

Baby still wasn't too active for the rest of the day, until he decided to do more kickboxing around midnight. Of course now I'm worried that this baby will never sleep at night once he's born LOL But anyways.... all's well that end's well! And hopefully this is my one and only freak out during the rest of the pregnancy.

And I can't post without mentioning Colin. His latest and greatest? The word NO! Actually, he doesn't just say "NO!", he gets all into it. He'll get a stern look on his face, points his finger at you, and says "NO!". He learned this from his babysitter - apparently it's what she does to the dog when he's done something wrong, and Colin seems to have picked it up. So although we have to be parents and tell him not to do that to people, that it's not nice, we definitely have to hold back the laughter because it's hysterical to see ;)

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