So much has happened since I last posted. We started Jackson on cereal, we FINALLY sold our house, our move is officially booked, and we spent time with a US Am.bassador!
I had been dreading starting Jackson on cereal, mostly on laziness on my part. I just haven't felt like dealing with feeding him, and since the Ped said to wait until 6 months, there really was no rush. But the poor guy was getting hungrier and hungrier, and formula just wasn't cutting it anymore, so I got the cereal out a couple nights ago. He's not very into it at all, but I just let him keep practicing. Colin is not a fan of Jackson learning to eat - Colin gags everytime he watches Jackson spit some of the cereal out. I've tried to have him leave the room to avoid the mess of both Jackson and Colin, but Colin is very intrigued and likes to be in the room. And it's not really fair of me to make him leave. So cereal is mostly a "work in progress" for awhile ;) Here's pics of his first bites:

Our house finally sold!!! The couple buying it are a newly pregnant couple and seem very, very excited to live here. That made me so happy - I really wanted to sell the house to a nice family. We had gotten an offer from another couple a few hours before theirs and it was a horrible one - an absolute joke. So we were beyond thrilled to be able to reject that offer to take the better one. Our move is set for Nov. 2nd, so it's time to get prepared for that. Hopefully the move doesn't confuse the kids too much and that it all goes smoothly.
This past week, my Uncle Mike came for a visit. He was recently appointed to be the US Am.bassador to Vietnam, which is absolutely amazing. He treated me and some of my family to a really nice steakhouse dinner on Thursday - I'm not even going to say what the bill was, but it was worth every penny! YUM! My aunt babysat the boys (the first time anyone babysat other than the usual 3 people - my Mom, Scott's Mom, or Aunt Jo), so I was nervous. I tried to put Jackson down to sleep before I left, but he was crying. Finally after 45min of trying to get to sleep, I left him with my aunt and left for dinner since everyone was waiting (usually he's super easy for me to put to bed, but I was in a hurry and I think he sensed my anxiety). We got home a couple hours later (9:30pm) - and both boys were still awake!!! I got Jackson right to sleep, but Colin stayed awake until 11:30pm. I guess there were too many people over and he didn't want to miss out on the excitement. He was up at 6am the next day too. He took a REALLY good nap the next day because of it.

Sorry for the few of us in robes - it was about 10:30pm at this point (the clock in the background is broke) and we were tired! LOL
1 comment:
Congrats on the sale of the house! Woo-hoo!
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