Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Is This For Real?

Last Friday, Scott and I got some surprising news. We're having another baby!!!

I'll try to make a long story short with this on how it happened. Well, I'm sure you can figure out how it happened, but there is a reason why this was such a surprise. This cycle was pretty irregular and the Dr had me go in for a Progesterone test to see if I had ovulated. The test showed I hadn't - it was 1.06. They started me on Provera, which induces your period to come. It had been 11 days since I finished taking the Provera and still no period. I called the Dr and the nurse sent me in for a blood test to see if I was pregnant. In my head I was thinking what a waste of time it was since I never ovulated. How could I get pregnant if I never ovulated??? Well she called back 2hrs after I gave my blood and asked if I was sitting down. Yep, I was pregnant!!!! I, naturally, freaked out and ran into my friend Amy's cube (I was at work). I was hysterical - crying, laughing, and in complete shock all at once. I couldn't believe it and still can't! Scott was equally shocked when I told him the news that night. We both agreed - this is how we wanted pregnancy #2 to happen - totally by surprise and couldn't be happier.

I was sent for a second beta test today and my levels skyrocketed, making this all more real to me. Colin's going to be a big brother.... Holy Moly!!!! We're planning on telling our parents this weekend now that we've absorbed the information and got used to the idea somewhat. I'll have my first u/s next Monday, the 18th so I can be given a due date. Hopefully there will be a little heart beating away for us to see!

This BFP is what prompted me to start blogging. I know with a toddler I may not take the time to focus so much on this pregnancy, so maybe blogging will keep me connected to this baby a little better. I'm sure Colin will be talked about just as often too LOL

So as of today, I have no idea what my due date is, but I'm guessing somewhere around May 10th... I'm feeling tired and a little naseous (I had actually thought I had the flu, before I got my BFP).

Stay tuned.....

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